��Johnson, Samuel.
��348 n. ; household, see supra under habitations ; humility, i. 296 ; humour, vein of, i. 226, 269, 287, 345, 452, 468; ii. 98, 182, 185; , good, ii. 179, 186, 188; , severe, i. 242, 339, 357; better after dinner, ii. 390; hypocrisy, not suspicious of, ii. 225 ; ignorance, ii. 223 ; impransm, i. 375 ; improvisations, i. 194, 259, 281 ; in credulity, i. 241-4 ; indolence, i. 5, 28, 71, 74, 86, 178, 409; ii. 115, 120; infidels, aversion for, i. 211; ii. 370; influenced by Thrale, i. 241, 338 ; in heritance, i. 5 ; innovations, i. 349 ; Italian, i. 77, 99 ; Italy, proposed visit to, i. 263; ii. 71, 187, 447; jocular speeches, ii. 271 ; journal, i. 14^., 64, 81 ., 127, 450 (see supra under Annals) ; jumping, ii. 396 ; king's evil, touched for, i. 133, 152, 360 ; ii. 338; knowledge, love of, ii. 19; general, i. 155, 181 ; ii. 118; of manufactures, ii. 325 ; of surgery, ii. 387 ; of digestion, ii. 405 ; in ready cash, ii. 365 ; late hours, i. 231 ; ii. 19, 99, 326 ; Latin epigrams, ii. 123, 154; Latinity, i. 215, 416, 459; ii. 3; laugh, ii. 71 ; lawyer, wish to be a, ii. 362 ; lemonade, ii. 69, 100 ; LETTERS, " 363 ; to Allen, Rev. Mr., ii. 451 ;
Compton, Rev. J., ii. 453 ; Hay, Dr., ii. 439 ; Jones, Griffith, ii. 454 ;
Lye, Rev. E., ii. 441 ; Macpherson, J., ii. 446 ; Percy, Dr., ii. 440-1 ;
Porter, Lucy, ii. 450 ; Reynolds, Frances, ii. 448-50, 453, 455 ; Rich ardson, S., ii. 435-9 ; Sastres, F., ii. 454 ; Strahan, W., ii. 442 ; Taylor, Dr., ii. 447, 452 ; Thrale, H. M., ii. 451 ; name not given, ii. 447; levee, i. 414; ii. 121,365; library, i. 25; ii. 361, 380; living, declines a, ii. 107, 361 ; logician, i. 452; madness, dread of (see infra under melancholy) ; mankind, thought well of, ii. 9 ; , knowledge of, ii. 1 18 ; marriage, i. 249, 367 ; ii. 360 ; melancholy and mental disorders, i. 48, 58, 78, 117, 148, 180, 199, 341, 409, 451, 472; ii. 97, 220, 257, 281, 322, 338; memory, i. 68, 86, 92, 225, 360; ii. 87, 166-7, 2 5 2 > 3 6 4>
��405; metaphysics, i. 201, 451; mind ready for use, ii. 220; misses, love to see a knot of little, i. 328 ; music, i. 215; ii. 103, 285, 308, 404; mys- teriousness, i. 326 ; non-juror, not a, ii. 355 ; nugarum conlemptor, ii. 376 ; nurse, i. 130, 132 ; obscenity and im piety repressed, i. 453; ii. 224; 'ob stinate rationality,' i. u6. ; offence, easily took, i. 246 ; offered a shilling, ii. 269; old age, i. 84, 281; opiates, i. 86, 88; ii. 128, 156, 369; orange peel, use of, ii. 45 ; order, i. 25, 28, 33, 70; painting, i. 214; ii. 102, 286; Papist, if he could would be a, i. 279 .; parlour, company for the, i. 293 ; parodies (see under PARODIES) ; pas sions, ii. 225, 227-8 ; patience, i. 267 ; Pembroke College (see under OXFORD); penance, ii. 426 ; penitents, lover of, ii. 114; pension, i. 62 ., 112, 322, 417; ii. 115, 350, 355 ; increase solicited, i. 441 ; ii. 150, 369, 388, 459 ; per son, i. 149, 224, 344, 450, 458 ; ii. 41, 98, 164-5, 209, 3 66 > 4 02 J philosophy studies, i. 17 ; physic (see supra under health) ; piety (see infra under religion) ; please, seeking to, i. 318, 454; poetry, i. 460-4; ii. 422; politeness, i. 169, 451, 453 ; ii. 65, 180, 260, 276, 402 ; Politian, proposes to edit, i. 365 ; political writer, i. 474; politics, modern, i. 203; portraits, i. 313, 342; ii. 9, 461 ; post-mortem examination, ii. 136, 388 ; posterity, best known to, ii. 395 n. ; poverty, i. 135, 180, 371, 377, 380, 413, 416; ii. 88, 370; praise, exaggerated, i. 185, 214; praiser, par simonious, ii. 202 ; prayers, projected book, i. 4, 1 1 9 ; (see under PRAYERS) ; praying aloud (see infra, talking) ; prejudices, ii. 226-7 ; pride, i. 451 ; ii. 93, 223 ; profession, bred to no, ii. 13 n. ; professor,ii. 361 ; promptitude, i. 285 ; prose, i. 464-72 ; Punic war, i. 202; quarrels, i. 321, 339; question enrages him, ii. 151 ; quoting him against himself, ii. 2 36 ; ran a race, ii. 278, 396; Rasselas, like characters .in, ii. 175, 220, 376; reading, learns to read, i. 152, 156; amount of, i. 144,
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