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��Toote, Samuel Garrick, David.

��rising in the world, i. 424 ; ii. 4 ;

stories, i. 225, 265; wit, ii. 6. Foppish, i. 214. FORBES, Bishop, ii. 466. FORBES, Sir William, Bart., i. 233 n. \

ii. 185 n., 195.

FORD, Cornelius, i. 149, 359. FORD, Rev. Cornelius, i. 154, 359, 360;

ii. 88, 209 .

FORD, Nathaniel, ii. 88 n. FORD, Mrs. Nathaniel, i. 131, 139. FORD, Sarah, i. 139. FORDYCE, Dr. George, ii. 26, 137 n. FORSTER, John, ii. 73. FORT AUGUSTUS, i. 80. FORT George, i. 182 n. FORTESCUE, Sir John, ii. 20. FOSTER, Elizabeth, i. 397. FOSTER, Rev. Dr. James, ii. 41. FOUNTAIN TAVERN, i. 369. FOWKE, Joseph, ii. 349 n. Fox, Charles James, Literary Club, i.

202, 229^. ; ii. 25 ., 30, 32, 137 .;

descended from Charles II, ii. 31 n. ;

law of libels, ii. 36 n. ; Garrick's guest,

ii. 245 n. ; Wealth of Nations, ii. 424 n. ;

Indian Bill, ii. 458 n. Fox, Henry, first Lord Holland, i. 240 n. Fox, John, i. 414 n. FRACASTORIUS, i. 366. FRANCE, Academy, i. 183, 404, 434;

extremes, ii. 289 ; horse-race, ii. 289,

291 ; invasion threatened, i. 203 ; ii.

377' 45; literature, i. 216, 334; ii.

289; Johnson's prejudices, ii. 226;

meals, i. 216 n.; prisoners, ii. 370. FRANCIS, Rev. Dr. Philip, i. 378. FRANKLIN, Benjamin, change of style,

i. 129 n. ; dedications, i. 405 n. ;

Mandeville, i. 207 n. ; printing, ii.

22. ; thankfulness, i. 107 n.\ West

Indians, ii. 302 n. FRASER of Strichen, i. 324 n. FREDERICK II, King of Prussia, dressed

plain, i. 221 n. ; Johnson downed

Robertson with him, i. 169 . ;

wrote his Life, i. 464 ; Raynal, i. 212 . FREDERICK, Prince of Wales, ii. 5. FREEWILL, ii. 233, 256. FREIND, Dr., ii. 378. FRERON, ii. 308.

��FRIENDS, laughing at absent, ii. 50 ; friendship to be kept in repair, ii. 69 n. Fuller's Worthies, i. 444 n. Fun, i. 170 n. Furmenty, ii. 163.


GALEN, i. 90 n., 260 n. GALGACUS, i. 430. Gamble, ii. 28 n. Gambler, i. 182. GARDENS, i. 323. GARDINER, Mrs., i. 80; ii. 147, 155-6,


GARRETSON, , i. 137.

GARRICK, Captain, i. 367.

GARRICK, David, Barnard's lines, ii. 265 ; Boswell's shoeblack, ii. 2 26 n. ; Camden, Lord, ii. 63 ; Chesterfield, Lord, i. 406 n. ; Comus, i. 397 ; Congreve and Shakespeare, i. 186 ; conversation, ii. 235; death,i. 276 .; ii. 416 .; Drury Lane, i. 385; Dryden praised, i. 185; fame, ii. 237, 244, 332 ; flattery, love of, ii. 430; friends, ii. 246; funeral, ii. 241 n., 379 n. ; grave, i. 449; ii. T 37> 378; Hogarth's epitaph, i. 240; JOHNSON, arguing, ii. 218 n. ; and Beauclerk, i. 383 n. ; compared with Shakespeare, i. 387 ; Dialogues, ii. 233-49 ; dines with him, i. 424 ;

epitaph on him, i. 445 ; ii. 123 ; house, ii. 394 ; humour, i. 345 ; - inattention, ii. 277; Irene, i. 386;

Lichfield theatre, i. 224 ; ii. H4.; , mimics, ii. 23 n., 195, 211 ; offers to write his Life, i. 458 ; and Percy, ii. 68 ; pleasure, greatest, ii. 45 5 property, ii. 50, 233, 249 . ;

prophecy, ii. 315 ; Prologue, i. 385; ii. 314; Punch, i. 457; ii. 248, 317; pupil, i. 367; ii. 237;

rare copies of Shakespeare, ii. 327^., 357 w., 394; rudeness, ii. 258; silence about him, ii. 326; wife, i. 248, 376 ; ii. 102 ; liberality, i. 457 ; ii. 194, 238, 249 ; Literary Club, ii. 26 n., 196 ; London, comes to, i. 368 ; ii. 341 ; manners, ii. 242 ; mimicry, i. 287 n. ; ii. 240 ; Montagu, Mrs., ii. 307 n. ; More, Hannah, ii. 177, 184,

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