��Delap, Rev. Dr Dyott, General.
��DELAP, Rev. Dr., i. 234, 423. DELICACY, i. 326, 329. DEMOSTHENES, i. 378. DENHAM, Sir John, i. 417 n. DENMARK, King of, i. 183. DENNIS, John, ii. i8n. } 371. DENNY, , ii. 52. DE QUINCEY, Thomas, Hannah More,
ii. 178 ; Henderson, ii. 198 n. ; Hart ley, ii. 304 n. Derange, ii. 20. DESCARTES, i. 417^. DESMOULINS, John, ii. 154-6, 159,
386. DESMOULINS, Mrs., i. 88, 95, 105-6,
205 n., 248 n. ; ii. 217, 411 n. Dessert, i. lion.
DEVIL TAVERN, i. 433 ; ii. 99, 378. DEVONPORT, ii. 419. DEVONSHIRE, fifth Duke of, ii. 241 n.,
326 n.
DEVONSHIRE, Duchess of, ii. 326 n. Diacodium, i. 102 n. DICKENS, Charles, i. 179 n. Dictionary, Johnson's, undertaken and
progress, i. 14, 382, 388, 403-7; ii.
94, 106 n., 374 ; Plan, i. 383 ; " 347;
second edition, i. 404 n. ; revised, i. 63,
182, 298 n. ; ii. 227 ; definitions, i.
182 n., 472 . ; ii. 50, 278; authors
quoted, i. 272 ; effect on Johnson's
style, i. 466 ; described by Percy, ii.
213 ; edition after Johnson's death, i.
356 n. ; ' naughty words,' ii. 390 ;
ocean, ii. 404.
DIDEROT, Denys, ii. 249 n. DIDOT, ii. 22 n. Dies Ira, i. 284. DIGBY, Mrs., ii. 390. DILLY, Charles, i. 71 ; ii. 21, 35, 47-9,
72, 283 ., 458. DILWORTH, , i. 464 n. Dinarbas, ii. 171 n. DINGLEY, Mrs., ii. 331. DINNER, i. 249. DIOGENES, ii. 103. Diversion, i. 324. DIXIE, Sir Wolstan, i. 364. DIXON, Rev. Canon, ii. 198 n. DOBLE, Charles Edward, i. 11472. DODD, Rev. William, D.D., i. 181, 432,
��486 ; ii. 14, 131 n., 143 n., 282-4, 3*9,
362, 418. DODINGTON, Bubb (Lord Melcombe), ii.
104. DODSLEY, Robert, i. 4i5. ; ii. 16, 341,
Dog, i. 245.
DOGS, digestion of, ii. 405.
Don Quixote, i. 332, 478.
DONALDSON, Alexander, ii. 443 n.
DONNE, Dr., i. 478 ; ii. 404.
Dose, ii. 321 n.
DOUGHTY, William, ii. 10.
DOUGLAS, John, D.D., Bishop of Car lisle and afterwards of Salisbury, Swift's History, i. 188 . ; ' Detector of quacks,' i. 397, ii. 356 ; Johnson's friend, i. 416 ; Literary Club, ii. 26 ; Cock Lane Ghost, ii. 355 n. \ mentioned, i. 289 n.
DOUGLAS, Dr., ii. 60.
Down, i. 169 ; ii. 261.
DRAWING-ROOM, i. 293 n.
DREAMS, i. u, 23, 159.
DRESS, i. 221, 336-8.
Dressed, i. 260 n.
Drony, i. 219.
DRUJININE, ii. 147 n.
DRYDEN, Erasmus Henry, ii. 177.
DRYDEN, John, Absalom and Achitophel, i. 468 n. ; All for Love, i. 281 n. ; at tacks, i. 271 n. ; coffee-house, i. 434 ; copy-right, ii. 442 . ; description of night, i. 1 86 ; foreign words, i. 467 ; greatness, i. 185 n. ; metaphysical poets, i. 478 n. ; Milton, epigram on, i. 196 ; (Edipus, ii. 62 ; Preface to Fables, i. 407 n.; prologues, ii. 239;?.; prose style, i. 466; puns, ii. 18 n. ; quoted, ii. 350; son's nurse, ii. 177; writing for money, ii. 91 n.
DUBLIN, Trinity College, Johnson seeks a degree, i. 373 ; one conferred, i. 423 ; ii. 29 ; and the steward, ii. 30 n. ; invitation to Baretti, ii. 40 ; Dr. Madan's premiums, ii. 211.
DUTCH, ii. 154.
DYCE, Alexander, i. 474 n.
DYER, Samuel, i. 214 n., 230, 389 ; ii. 80.
DYOTT, General, i.
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