< Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies II back matter.djvu
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��Blake, William Boswell, James.

��BLAKE, William, ii. 164 n.

BLAKESTON, Rev. H. E. D., i. 69 n.

Blockhead, ii. 270^.


BOASE, Rev. C. W., ii. 334 n.

BOASE, George C., i. 475 .

Bobwig, ii. 75.

BOCAGE, Madame du, ii. 290.

BOILEAU, father, i. 155, 361 ; Jesuits, ii.

200 ; Johnson's delight in him, i. 334,

416 ; did not borrow from him, ii.

372 ; Malherbe, i. 466 n. ; modern

Latin, i. 365.

BOLINGBROKE, Lady, ii. 8 n. BOLINGBROKE, first Viscount, recommends

Prince of Wales's preceptor, i. 180 n. ;

'scoundrel,' i. 211 n., 408; ii. 315;

quoted, i. 487 ; Middleton's Cicero, ii. 8. BOLINGBROKE, second Viscount, i. 222.

BONAVENTURA, i. 36. BONSTETTEN, , i. 19! n.

BOOKS, why invented, i. 206 ; the art of living, i. 324 ; too long, i. 332 ; written without effort, ii. 309 ; in one's pocket, ii. 311 ; payments for, ii. 349.

BOOKSELLERS, ii. 106, 125 n., 162 n., 443 n.

BOOTHBY, Sir Brooke, ii. 391.

BOOTHBY, Hill, i. 18, 65, 177 ., 178 #., 256 n., 257 ; ii. 391.

BOSCAWEN, Hon. Mrs., ii. 181, 186-7, 192 n., 195.


Bossu, ii. 372.

BOSWELL, Sir Alexander, ii. 31 n.

BOSWELL, David, ii. 27.

BOSWELL, Dr., i. 25 n.

BOSWELL, James, Addison's style, i. 470 n. ; Ashbourne, ii. 447 ; Baretti's foe, ii. 44 ; beauties of nature, ii. 210 . ; Blackmore's lines, ii. 314; Burke easy with him, ii. 25 ; chambers in the Temple, ii. 38 ; chap-books, i. 156 n. ; Chatham, Lord, ii. 206 n. ; Christianity, i. 81 n. ; Davies's dinner, ii. 6 1 ; debts, i. 251 n.\ ii. 26, 33, 35 ; described by Horace Walpole, i. 143 ;

in the European Magazine, ii. 394 ;

by Dugald Stewart, ii. 425 ; Esquire, ii. 36; Essex Head Club, ii. 221; Eton College, ii. 364 n. ; Government

��of the Tongue, i. 87 n. ; Hawkins, i. 357 n., 440 .; ii. 101 n., 130, 135 n., 144; impatience, i. 263 n.\ inaccuracy, i. 257 n. ; JOHNSON, America, ii. 55 .;

attacks him, ii. 230 .; at Bristol, ii. 185 .; character drawing, ii. 270 .; diary, i. 14 n. ; dinner at Dilly's, ii. 47-8, 403 ; dinner-table, ii. n6. ; Easter, i. 59 ., 61-2, 66, 71, 74, 83, 85, 87, 98 ; ii. 194 .;

eating, ii. 278 n. ; fond of him, ii. 49; freewill, ii. 233 .; funeral, ii. 1 37 n. ; Garrick's fame, ii. 244 n. ; Hawkins, ii. 81 ; - health, ii. 457 ; humour, ii. 98 n. ; , imitates, ii. 195 ; , incites to talk, ii. 47 ., 52 ; , introduced to, i. 428 ; ii. 15 n. y 46, 63 n. ; Italy, pro posed tour, i. 441 ; ii. 459 ; lemons, ii. 100 n. ; letters, ii. 363 . ; Life, i. 165 n., 325 n. ; ii. 22, 26-30, 32-8, 74, 206, 294-6, 395, 408, 437 n. ; cancels in it, ii. 29 ; Russian translation, ii. 147 n. ; offered a shilling, ii. 269; Oglethorpe, ii. 51; Paoli, ii. 374 ; portrait, ii. 274 n., 465 ; pronunciation, ii. 375 n.; , questions, ii. 52 ; rebukes swearing, ii. 18 w. ;

reproaches his inattention, ii. 374; , * spy on,' i. 358 n. ; ii. 45 ; - style, i. 466 n. ; tour to Hebrides, i. 427, 430 ; works of art, ii. 376 n. ;

Wilkes, ii. 374 n. ; law, knowledge of, ii. 395 ; Letter on the State of the Nation, ii. 458 ; Literary Club, i. 229 w. ; lottery ticket, ii. 31; Mason's poems, i. 169 .; melancholy, ii. 33, 36, 38; More, Hannah, ii. 187-8; note-book, i. 153 ., 175 ., 369 n.\ ii. 84 ., 86 ., 262 n., 389 ; Oxford, ii. 202, 406; Percy, criticized by, ii. 209, 211, 214, 216 ., 218 n.; Piozzi, Mrs., see under THRALE ; prayers for the dead, i. 14 n. ; Priestley, i. 463 n. ; Reynolds's bequest, ii. 24 n. ; , letter to, ii. 457 ; letter from, ii. 460; Reynolds, Miss, ii. 250; rural beauties, i. 323 n. ; Scotland, ii. 45, 226 n. ; spelling of his name, ii. 447 .; talk, ii. 235 n.; Traveller, ii. 466 j troublesome kindness, i. 67 n. ;

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