��Arbuthnot, John Baretti, Joseph.
��Messiah^ i. 370 ; money-scriveners, ii.
324 n. ; Pope and music, ii. 103 n. ;
Swift's physician, i. 223 n. ; Tale of a
Tub, i. 374 .
ARCHER-HIND, Mrs., ii. 446 n. ARGUMENT, ii. 409. ARGYLE, Duchess of, ii. 261 n. ARIOSTO, ii. 366, 381. ARISTOTLE, i. 419 ; ii. 62. ARITHMETIC, i. 281, 295, 301. ARKWRIGHT, Sir Richard, ii. 325. ARMAGH, Archbishop of, ii. 52-3. ARNE, Dr., i. 197 n. ARNOLD, Matthew, English Academy,
i. 437 n. ; French literature, ii. 289 n. ARNOLD, , ii. 393. ART, works of, ii. 376 n. ASCHAM, Roger, gained admirers, ii. 371 ;
obedience in old time, i. 162 . ; pride
of Elizabeth's reign, i. 110 . ; quick
wits, i. 315, 414.
ASHBOURNE, i. 8l, 101, 444.
ASHTON, Dr., ii. 430.
ASTLEY, Philip, ii. 377.
ASTON, Catherine, i. 254 n.
ASTON, Elizabeth, i. 101, 104, 106,
206 n. ; ii. 413. ASTON, Mr. Justice, ii. 443 n. ASTON, < Molly,' i. 255, 257 n., 258 5 ii.
ASTON, Sir Thomas, Bart., i. 101 ., 255 .; ii. 413.
ATTACKS, i. 270, 274, 407 ; ii. 207, 420.
ATTENTION, continuity of, i. 139.
ATTERBURY, Bishop, ii. 410 n.
ATTORNEYS, i. 151 n., 327.
ATWOOD, Dr., i. 132.
AUCHINLECK, Lord, ii. 270 n., 395, 447 ., 467.
AUDLEY, Lord Chancellor, ii. i.
AUSTEN, Jane, i. no n.
AUTHORS, attacks, see under ATTACKS ; best part in their books, ii. 310 ; com plaints of neglect, i. 315 n. ; conse quence and celebrity, ii. 227 ; copy right, ii. 442 n. ; gentlemen writers, i. 334 ; ii. 304 ; opinion of the public, ii. 7, 19 ; quoting them, ii. 207.
AVARICE, i. 251.
AVERROES, i. 198 n.
BACON, Francis, argument, ii. 409 ; casual talk, ii. 94 ; Essays, Latin version re translated, i. 137 n, ; praised by Burke and Johnson, ii. 229 ; extent of his writings, ii. 302 ; great thinker, ii.
BACON, Roger, ii. 325 n. BAILEY, Nathaniel, ii. 95, 214^., 414. BAKER, Sir George, M.D., ii. 399 n. BAKER, Rev. Thomas, i. 421 n. BALDWIN, Henry, ii. 35. Balk, ii. 105 n. BANKS, Sir Joseph, i. 195, 280 n.\ ii. 26,
32, 293.
BANKS, , of Dorsetshire, ii. 275. BANNISTER, Charles, i. 454 n. BARBAULD, Mrs., children's stories, i.
156 n., 157 ; at Mrs. Montagu's, ii.
183 ; Richardson, ii. 437 n. BARBER, Francis, Hawkins' attacks, ii. 81,
103 ; Johnson, annuity from, i. 441 n.,
448 ; ii. 1 2 1-6, 132, 379 ; death, ii.
J 4 6 > J 55 3 86 5 Hodge, i. 318 ;
instructs him, i. 71, 90, 98, 103-4, IO 7>
papers, i. 127; residuary legatee, ii. 445 n. ; service, enters, i. 391 ; sided with him, i. 292 ; watch, ii. 81, 117 n., 296 .; wife, i. 257, 290-1 ; Windham, recommends him to, ii. 383 ; ran away, ii. 439 ; * took bribes,' ii. 329 n. ; waiting at table, ii. 276; mentioned, i. 440 ; ii. 129, 153,
399- BARCLAY, Robert, author of The Apology,
ii. 389.
BARCLAY, Robert, the banker, ii. 389. BARCLAY, Robert, the brewer, i. 175 n.,
238 ., 242 n. ; ii. 389. BARETTI, Joseph, Boswell's foe, ii. 44 ;
described by Campbell, ii. 40; by
Mrs. Thrale, ii. 41 n. ; Dialogues, ii.
43 ; Easy Phraseology, i. 194 ; Foote,
ii. 240 n. ; Irish rebellion, ii. 54, 57 n. ;
Johnson and Mrs. Thrale, i. 189 n. ;
and Mrs. Salisbury, i. 235 n. ; at Streatham, i. 340 n. ; described, ii. 42 ; wagers, ii. 46 ; talk, ii. 254; - French tour, ii. 286, 290-2 ; no cordial friendship with him, ii. 292 ; Junius, ii. 41 ; lions, one of the, ii. 52 ;
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