460 Letters of Dr. Johnson.
This being St. Luke's day, the Company of Painters dine in their Hall in the City, to which I am invited and desired to bring any friend with me.
As you love to see life in all its modes if you have a mind to go I will can \sic\ you about two o'clock, the black-guards
dine at half an hour after 2 .
James Boswell, Esq.
Oxford, Feb. 8, 1785.
We have received a most agreeable Token of our Friend Dr. Johnson's Regard for his College in a Present of his Books and of his Publications of every kind which he sent us a little before his death 4 . Mr. Sergrove informs me that there are some literary Anecdotes found among his Papers which you have had the Kind Thought of depositing likewise in our Library 5 . These
tained with the kindest attention as tion at losing two or three hours of
General Paoli's constant guest while his working-day ; ' none of his hours
I was in London, till I had a house were ever spent in idleness, or lost in
of my own there.' Life, Hi. 35. dissipation.' Ib. i. 119.
1 From the original in the posses- 3 From the original in the posses sion of Lady Colomb. sion of Mr. R. B. Adam.
' Mr. Camden, the famous anti- Dr. Adams was the Master of
quarian, whose father was a painter Pembroke College ; Dr. Scott (after-
in the Old Bailey, gave the Painter wards Lord Stowell) was one of the
Stainers' Company a silver cup and executors of Johnson's will. Life, iv.
cover, which they use every St. Luke's 402, n. 2.
day at their election ; the old Master 3 According to Dr. Hall, who was
drinking to the one then elected out elected Master in 1809, the College
of it.' Dodsley's London, 1761, v. did not receive all his works. 2b.
103. i. 74, n. 3.
2 Reynolds at home always ' dined s In the Library there are many at five o'clock precisely.' North- of Johnson's manuscripts, but no cote's Reynolds, ii. 95. His strong literary anecdotes.
language is perhaps due to his vexa-
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