morning in the Berlin 1 in which we could not get places last
week, and hope to have the honour in the evening 2 of telling you and Mrs. Percy that we are,
Your humble Servants,
London, June 23, 1764. SAM. JOHNSON.
��CTT> To DR - PERCY. r _. . A .,
SIR, [Undated.]
I have sent you home a parcel of books, and do not know that I now retain any except Gongora 3 and Araucana 4 . If you can spare Amadis please to return it to,
Your most humble,
To the Reverend Dr. Percy. SAM = J OHNSON '"
I see little to change in your proposals, only for 'writing demy I would read as more generally intelligible writing paper,
1.91. For his visit in 1764,866 Life, 4 * Araucana. A heroic poem in
i. 486, and ante, ii. p. 217. 37 Cantos, by the Spanish poet Alonso
1 ' I fixed my eye upon a small de Ercilla.' Id.
carriage Berlin fashion, which seemed 5 ' Dr. Percy informs me that the most convenient vehicle at a " when a boy he (Johnson) was im- distance in the world.' Goldsmith's moderately fond of reading romances Misc. Works, ed. 1801, iv. 225. 'An of chivalry, and he retained his fond- old-fashioned four-wheeled covered ness for them through life ; so that carriage with a seat behind covered (adds his Lordship) spending part of with a hood.' New Eng. Diet. a summer at my parsonage-house in
2 Easton Mauduit, Percy's Vicar- the country, he chose for his regular age, is in Northamptonshire, about reading the old Spanish romance of 58 miles from London. Paterson's Fdixmarte of Hircania, in folio, Itinerary, 1800, i. 384. which he read quite through." ' Life,
3 ' Luis de Gongora y Argote (1561- i. 48.
1627). A Spanish lyric poet, noted 6 From the original in the posses- as the founder of a highly meta- sion of Messrs. J.Pearson & Co. John- physical and artificial style from him son wrote to Boswell on March 9, named " Gongorism," and also called 1766: 'Mr. Lye is printing his Saxon the " polished," " polite," and "cul- and Gothick Dictionary; all THE tivated" style.' The Century Cy do- CLUB subscribes.' Life, ii. 17. See pedia of Names. Letters, i. 121.
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