��nonsense ; there is but one word of that sound (hard) [herd] in
the language *.'
[' Communicated by Mrs. Rose, the daughter of Dr. Farr, of Plymouth, and the daughter-in-law of Dr. Johnson's old friend, Dr. Rose of Chiswick.' Croker's Boswell, ix. 252. For Dr. Rose, see Letters, ii. 325.]
Dr. Mudge used to relate, as a proof of Dr. Johnson's quick discernment into character: When he was on a visit to Dr. Mudge at Plymouth 2 , the inhabitants of the Dock (now Devonport) were very desirous of their town being supplied with water, to effect which it was necessary to obtain the consent of the corporation of Plymouth ; this was obstinately refused, the Dock being considered as an upstart. And a rival, Alderman Tolcher, who took a very strong part, called one morning, and immediately opened on the subject to Dr. Johnson, who appeared to give great attention, and when the alderman had ceased speaking, replied, ' You are perfectly right, Sir ; I would let the rogues die of thirst, for I hate a Docker from my heart.' The old man went away quite delighted, and told all his acquaint ances how completely ' the great Dr. Johnson was on his side of the question V
It was after the publication of the Lives of the Poets that Dr. Farr, being engaged to dine with Sir Joshua Reynolds, mentioned, on coming in, that, in his way, he had seen a
1 This seems a contradiction of no! I am against the Dockers; I what he said to Boswell. am a Plymouth man. Rogues ! let
2 Life, i. 378. them die of thirst. They shall not
3 ' Johnson, affecting to entertain have a drop ! " ' Ib. i. 379. John- the passions of the place, was violent son at this time had not received a in opposition ; and, half laughing at doctor's degree, so that Mrs. Rose's himself for his pretended zeal where report is not quite accurate.
he had no concern, exclaimed, " No,
E e 2 caricature
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