388 Extracts from Windham's Diary.
1 Praeterea minimus gelido jam in corpore sanguis Febre calet sola 1 .'
45 minutes past 10 P.M. While I was writing the adjoining articles I received the fatal account, so long dreaded, that Dr. Johnson was no more !
May those prayers which he incessantly poured from a heart fraught with the deepest devotion, find that acceptance with Him to whom they were addressed, which piety, so humble and so fervent, may seem to promise !
Dr. Brocklesby made him an offer of TOO/, a year if he should determine to go abroad ; he pressed his hands and said, ' God bless you through Jesus Christ, but I will take no money but from my sovereign 2 .' This, if I mistake not, was told the King through West 3 . That Johnson wanted much assistance, and that the Chancellor meant to apply for it, His Majesty was told through the same channel.
On dissection of the body, vesicles of wind were found on the lungs (which Dr. Heberden said he had never seen, and of which Cruikshank professed to have seen only two instances), one of the kidneys quite gone, a gall stone in the bladder, I think ; no water in the chest, and little in the abdomen, no more than might have found its way thither after death.
2oth. A memorable day the day which saw deposited in Westminster Abbey the remains of Johnson. After our return from the Abbey I spent some time with Burke on the subject of his negociation with the Chancellor. We dined at Sir Joshua Reynolds', viz. Burke and R. Burke, Metcalf, Colman, Hoole, Scott, Burney and Brocklesby.
were still doomed to suffer at the 'Add that a fever only warms
stake under Elizabeth.' Lingard's his veins,
Hist, of England, ed. 1823, viii. 183. And thaws the little blood that
Three Anabaptists were burnt, and yet remains.' GIFFORD.
one, Francis Kett, ' who had uttered * Life, iv. 338; ante, i. 441-3 ;
blasphemies against the Divinity of ii. 3^9-
Christ.' 3 Most likely Benjamin West, the
1 Satires, x. 217: painter.
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