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as it now appears very successfully, since we know he continued

to possess his understanding in its full vigour to the last. Solitude to him was horror ; nor would he ever trust himself alone but when employed in writing or reading x . He has often begged me to go home with him to prevent his being alone in ( the coach 2 . Any company was better than none ; by which he connected himself With many mean persons whose presence he could command. For this purpose he established a Club at a little ale-house in Essex Street, composed of a strange mixture of very learned and very ingenious odd people. Of the former were Dr. Heberden, Mr. Windham, Mr. Boswell, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Paradise. Those of the latter I do not think proper to enumerate 3 . By thus living, by necessity, so much in company, more perhaps than any other studious man whatever, he had acquired by habit, and which habit alone can give, that facility, and we may add docility of mind, by which he was so much distinguished. Another circumstance likewise contributed not a little to the power which he had of expressing himself, which was a rule, which he said he always practised on every occasion, of speaking his best, whether the person to whom he addressed himself was or was not capable of comprehending

1 ' The great business of his life every breast has felt. Reflection and

(he told Reynolds) was to escape seriousness rush upon the mind upon

from himself; this disposition he the separation of a gay company,

considered as the disease of his and especially after forced and un-

mind, which nothing cured but com- willing merriment.'

pany.' Life, i. 144 ; ante, i. 219, 231. 3 < It did not suit Sir Joshua to be

8 To W. G. Hamilton he said : one of this Club. But when I men-

  • I am very unwilling to be left alone, tion only Mr. Daines Barrington,

Sir, and therefore I go with my Dr. Brocklesby, Mr. Murphy, Mr. company down the first pair of stairs, John Nichols, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Jod- in some hopes that they may, per- drel, Mr. Paradise, Dr. [Bishop] haps, return again. I go with you, Horsley, Mr. Windham, I shall suffi- Sir, as far as the street-door.' Life, ciently obviate the misrepresentation i. 490. of it by Sir John Hawkins, as if it

In a note on King Henry's speech had been a low ale-house association,

in Henry ' V, Act iv, sc. 5, he says: by which Johnson was degraded.'

  • There is something very striking Life, iv. 254; ante, i. 440. Among

and solemn in this soliloquy, into 'the very ingenious odd people whom which the king breaks immediately Reynolds did not care to enumerate ' as soon as he is left alone. Some- was Barry the painter, who had grossly thing like this, on less occasions, attacked him. Life, iv. 436.


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