He was now so weak as to be unable to kneel, and lamented,
that he must pray sitting, but, with an effort, he placed himself on his knees, while Mr. Strahan repeated the Lord's Prayer. During the whole of the evening, he was much composed and resigned. Being become very weak and helpless, it was thought necessary that a man should watch with him all night ; and one was found in the neighbourhood, who, for half a crown a night, undertook to sit up with, and assist him. When the man had left the room, he, in the presence and hearing of Mr. Strahan and Mr. Langton, asked me, where I meant to bury him. I answered, doubtless, in Westminster abbey : * If/ said he, ' my executors think it proper to mark the spot of my interment by a stone, let it be so placed as to protect my body from injury.' I assured him it should be done. Before my departure, he desired Mr. Langton to put into my hands, money to the amount of upwards of ioo/. with a direction to keep it till called for 1 .
loth. This day at noon I saw him again. He said to me, that the male nurse to whose care I had committed him, was unfit for the office. ' He is,' said he, e an idiot, as aukward as a turnspit just put into the wheel, and as sleepy as a dormouse 2 .' Mr. Cruikshank came into the room, and, looking at his scarified leg, saw no sign of a mortification.
nth. At noon, I found him dozing, and would not disturb him.
1 2th. Saw him again ; found him very weak, and, as he said, unable to pray.
i3th. At noon, I called at the house, but went not into his room, being told that he was dozing. I was further informed
says : * The omission of Boswell's be found that all his bequests of
name in Johnson's will is remark- friendship were to persons (with the
able, and I cannot but think, very possible exception of W. G. Hamil-
damaging.' A Shelf of Old Books, by ton) whom he had seen during the
Mrs. James T. Fields, 1895, p. 174. last days of his life. He had seen
Leigh Hunt should have noticed, Dr. Burney; his omission was prob-
what Boswell points out, that Adams, ably due to the forgetfulness of a
Burney, Hector and Murphy were dying man.
also omitted. Life, iv. 404, n. To x Johnson in his will mentions
these might be added Mrs. Carter, '.100 now lying by me in ready
Miss Burney, and Hannah More, money.' Life, iv. 402, n. 2.
and his friends at Lichfield. It will 2 Ib. iv. 411.
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