A Comedy in Three Acts
New York: Astor Theatre: Produced by Selwyn & Company,
Dec. 25, 1917, under the direction of Roi Cooper Megrue.
The scene is a week-end at a country house not far away; the time,
Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning, and Sunday evening.
(As You Meet Them)
JEAN, the host's younger sister, who has been brought up to be married and nothing else...............LOTUS ROBB
REX, an unmarried neighbor, who has not been brought up to be anything but rich...................HAROLD WEST
LUCY, the hostess, who is trying her best to be "just an old-fashioned wife" in a new-fashioned home, BEATRICE BECKLEY
UNCLE EVERETT, a Judge, who belongs to the older generation and yet understands the new—and believes in divorce.....NAT C. GOODWIN
COUSIN THEODORE, a clergyman and yet a human being, who believes in everything—except divorce, ERNEST LAWFORD
JOHN, who owns the house and almost every one in it and does not believe in divorce..........EDMUND BREESE
HELEN, the host's other sister, whom every one wants to marry, but who doesn't want to marry any one, ESTELLE WINWOOD
ERNEST, a scientist, who believes in neither divorce nor marriage but makes a great discovery...SHELLEY HULL
(By arrangement with George C. Tyler)
THE BUTLER......................RICHARD PITMAN
THE FOOTMAN.....................WALTER GOODSON