sing himself joyfully on his couch, "methought
there was but one man in England that might do such a deed."
"The postern gate shakes," continued Rebecca; "it crashes—it is splintered by his blows—they rush in—the out-work is won—Oh God!—they hurl the defenders from the battlements—they throw them into the moat—O men, if ye be indeed men, spare them that can resist no longer!"
"The bridge—the bridge which communicates with the castle—have they won that pass?" exclaimed Ivanhoe.
"No," replied Rebecca, "the Templar has destroyed the plank on which they crossed—few of the defenders escaped with him into the castle—the shrieks and cries which you hear tell the fate of the others—Alas! I see that it is still more difficult to look upon victory than upon battle."
"What do they now, maiden?" said Ivanhoe; "look forth yet again—this is no time to faint at bloodshed."
"It is over for the time," Rebecca; "our friends strengthen themselves within the out-work