swered Rebecca, "and enjoin you to keep silence,
and avoid agitating reflections, whilst I apprise you of what you desire to know. Prince John hath broken off the tournament, and set forward in all haste towards York, with the nobles, knights, and churchmen of his party, after collecting such sums as they could wring, by fair means or foul, from those who are esteemed the wealthy of the land. It is said he designs to assume his brother's crown."
"Not without a blow struck in its defence," said Ivanhoe, raising himself upon the couch, "if there were but one true subject in England. I will fight for Richard's title with the best of them—ay, one to two in his just quarrel."
"But that you may be able to do so," said Rebecca, touching his shoulder with her hand, you must now observe my directions and remain quiet."
"True, maiden," said Ivanhoe, "as quiet as these disquieted times will permit—And of Cedric and his household?"
"His steward came but brief while since," said the Jewess, "panting with haste, to ask my