This wandering race, severed from other men,
Boast yet their intercourse with human arts;
The seas, the woods, the deserts which they haunt,
Find them acquainted with their secret treasures;
And unregarded herbs, and flowers, and blossoms,
Display undream'd of powers when gathered by them.
The Jew.
Our history must needs retrograde for the
space of a few pages, to inform the reader of certain passages material to his understanding the
rest of this important narrative. His own intelligence may indeed have easily anticipated that,
when Ivanhoe sunk down, and seemed abandoned by all the world, it was the importunity of
Rebecca which prevailed on her father to have the
gallant young warrior transported from the lists
to the house which for the time the Jews inhabited in the suburbs of Ashby.
It would not have been difficult to have per-