proached to the other side of the hut, had heard
the conclusion of the conversation,—"So we have got a new ally—I trust the valour of the knight will be truer metal than the religion of the hermit, or the honesty of the yeoman; for this Locksley looks like a born deer-stealer, and the priest like a lusty hypocrite."
"Hold thy peace, Wamba," said Gurth; "it may all be as thou dost guess,—but were the horned devil to rise and proffer me his assistance to set at liberty Cedric and the Lady Rowena, I fear I should hardly have religion enough to refuse the foul fiend's offer, and bid him get behind me."
The friar was now completely accoutered as a yeoman, with sword and buckler, bow and quiver, and a strong partisan over his shoulder. He left his cell at the head of the party, and, having carefully locked the door, deposited the key under the threshold.
"Art thou in condition to do good service, friar," said Locksley, "or does the brown bowl still run in thy head?"