Queen. | In the Parliamentary hive, |
Fairies. | Into Parliament, &c. |
Peers. | Ah, spare us! |
Queen (speaking through music).
Every bill and every measure
That may gratify his pleasure,
Though your fury it arouses,
Shall be passed by both your Houses!
You shall sit, if he sees reason,
Through the grouse and salmon season:
He shall end the cherished rights
You enjoy on Wednesday nights:
He shall prick that annual blister,
Marriage with deceased wife's sister:
Titles shall ennoble, then,
All the Common Councilmen:
Peers shall teem in Christendom,
And a Duke's exalted station
Be attainable by Com-
Petitive Examination!
Fairies & Phyllis.
Peers. Young Strephon is the kind of lout But lordly vengeance will pursue He'd better fly at humbler game,
Fairies, Phyllis, and Strephon. With Strephon for your foe, no doubt, A hideous vengeance will pursue 'Twill plunge them into grief and shame;