Recit.—Lord Chancellor.
And who has dared to brave our high displeasure,
And thus defy our definite command?
(Enter Strephon—Phyllis rushes to his arms.)
Streph. | 'Tis I—young Strephon! mine this priceless treasure |
All. Streph. All. Streph. All. Streph. All. |
A shepherd I— |
Duet—Lord Mount. and Lord Toll., (aside to each other).
'Neath this blow, |
All. | Let's depart, |
Chorus of Peers
Though our hearts she's badly bruising,
In another suitor choosing,
Let's pretend it's most amusing.
Ha! ha! ha! ha! Tzing! Boom!
Exeunt all the Peers marching round stage with much dignity. Lord Chancellor separates Phyllis from Strephon and orders her off. She follows Peers. Manent Lord Chancellor and Strephon.
Lord Ch. | Now, sir, what excuse have you to offer for having disobeyed an order of the Court of Chancery? |