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Jerrold (Tom), Works by:

Household Horticulture: A Gossip about Flowers. By Tom

and JANE JERROLD. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s.6d.

Our Kitchen Garden: The Plants we Grow, and How we Cook Them. By Tom Jerroip, Author of "The Garden that Paid the Rent," &c, Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d.

"The combination of hints on cookery with gardening has been very cleverly carried out, and the result is an interesting and highly instructive little work. Mr. Ferrold is correct in saying that English people do not make half the use of vegetables they might; and by showing how easily they can be grown, and so obtained fresh, he is doing a great deal to make them more popular.'—Daily CHRONICLE.

Small 8vo, cloth, full gilt, gilt edges, with Illustrations, 6s.

Kavanaghs' Pearl Fountain,

And other Fairy Stories. By BRIDGET and JULIA KAVANAGH. With

Thirty Illustrations by J. MoYR SMITH.

"8 Genuine new fairy stories of the old type, some of them as delightful as the best of Grimm's ' German Popular Stories" . . . . For the most part the stories are downright, thorough-going fairy stories of the most admirable kind.

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Knight (The) and the Dwarf.

By CHARLES MILLS. With numerous Illustrations by THOMAS LINDSAY.

Crown 8vo, illustrated boards, with numerous Plates, 2s. 6d.

Lace (Old Point), and How to Copy and

Imitate it. By Daisy WATERHOUSE HAWKINS. With 17 Illustrations by the Author.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Portraits, 7s. 6d.

Lamb's Complete Works,

In Prose and Verse, reprinted from the Original Editions, with many Pieces hitherto unpublished. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by R.H. SHEPHERD. With Two Portraits and Facsimile of a Page of the Essay on Roast Pig."

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Lamb (Mary and Charles):

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"Very many passages will delight those fond of literary trifles; hardly any portion will fail in interest for lovers of Charles Lamb and his sister." STANDARD.

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