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Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 75. 6d. Finger-Ring Lore: Historical, Legendary, and Anecdotal. By WM. JONES, F.S.A. With Hundreds of Illustrations of Curious Rings of ali Ages and Countries.
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Gardening Books:
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Our Kitchen Garden: The Plants we Grow, and How we Cook Them. By Tom Jerroip, Author of The Garden that Paid the Rent," &c. Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d.
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Gentleman's Magazine (The) for 1882. The JANUARY Number of this Periodical contained the First Chapters of a New Serial Story, entitled Dust," by JULIAN HAWTHORNE, Author of "Garth," &c. 'Science Notes," by W. MAatTTIEu WILLIAMS, F.R.A.S., will also be continued monthly.
"," Now ready, the Volume for JULY to DECEMBER, 1881, cloth extra, price 8s. 6d.; and Cases for binding, price 2s. each.