the saint could yet find courage to add : 'Not- withstanding all these evils, my heart is filled with joy. What blessed things are peace of con- science and liberty of soul ! ' It reminds one of another occasion, when it was necessary to begin a foundation which was to cost a great deal of money, and the saint had but twopence-halfpenny. 'Never mind,' she replied, courageously, 'Two- pence-hal^enny and Theresa are nothing ; but twopence-hal^enny and God are everything ! ' and the work was accomplished. In the case of the Seville house her patience and faith met with a like reward. On the Feast of the Ascension, 1576, the Blessed Sacrament was placed in the chapel of the new convent by the archbishop himself, accompanied by all his clergy, who wished to make public amends to St. Theresa and her nuns for the persecutions they had endured ; and when Theresa knelt to ask for his pastoral bene- diction, the archbishop, in the presence of all the people, knelt to ask for hers in return, thus testifying to the high estimation in which he held both her and her work.
It was this convent, untouched since those days of trial, which our visitors now entered. There are twenty-two sisters, of whom three are novices, and their rule is maintained in all its primitive