91.—"Briefwechsel von Marx und Engels," vol. ii., p. 290; iv., p. 453. K. Kautsky: "Sozialismus und Kolonialpolitik," Berlin, 1907, p. 79; this last is a brochure written in that long past period when Kautsky was still a Marxist. 92.—The Russian social-chauvinism of Messrs. Potressov, Tchenkely, Martov and Co., in a form open or veiled (that of Skobelev, Axelrod, etc.), was also born of a sort of opportunism, to wit, Russian "liquidationism." 93.—"Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv," vol. ii., p. 193. 94.—J. Patouillet: "L'Impérialisme américain," Dijon, 1904, p. 272. 95.—Kautsky: "Nationalstaat, imperialistischer Staat und Staatenbund," Nürnberg, 1915, pp. 72 to 80. 96.—"Finance Capital," p. 567. 97.—Die Bank, 1909, pp. 2 and 819. 98.—David Jayne Hill: "A History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe," vol. 1, p. x., New York, 1905. 99.—Schulze-Gaevernitz: "Grdr. Soz.-Oek.," p. 146.