72.—Schulze-Gaevernitz: "Britischer Imperialismus und Englischer Freihandel zu Beginn des 20 Jahrhunderts," Liepzig, 1906, p. 318.; Sartorius v. Waltershausen writes to the same effect: "Das volkswirtschaftliche System der Kapitalsanlage im Auslande," Berlin, 1907, p. 46. 73.—Schilder, i., pp. 160-161. 74.—Driault: "Les Problèmes politiques et sociaux," 1907, p. 299. 75.—Die Neue Zeit, 1914, p. 909, 11th September, 1914. Cf. 23rd April, 1915, 2., pp. 107 et seq. 76.—Hobson: "Imperialism," p. 324. 77.—Die Neue Zeit, 1915, v. ii., p. 144, 30th April, 1915. 78.—R. Calwer: "Einführung in die Weltwirtschaft," Bremen, 1906. 79.—"Staat Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich," 1915; "Archiv für Eisenbahnwesen," 1892. For the year 1890 we have to be content with an approximate figure for the colonial share in the matter of railways. 80.—See also Edgar Crammond: "The Economic Relations of the British and German Empires," in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, July, 1914, p. 777. 81.—Hobson, pp. 59 and 60. 82.—Schulze-Gaevernitz: "Brit. Imp." pp. 320 et seq. 83.—Sartorius von Waltershausen: "D. volskw. Syst.," etc., iv. 84.—Schilder, p. 393. 85.—Die Bank, 1911, i, pp. 6 and 11. 86.—Hobson, pp. 103, 144, 205, 335, 386. 87.—Gerhard Hildebrand: "Die Erschütterung der Industrieherrschaft und des Industriesozialismus," 1910, Jena, p. 229. 88.—"Statistik des Deutschen Reichs," vol. 211. 89.—Henger: "Die Kapitalanslage der Franzosen," Stuttgart, 1913. 90.—Hourwich: "Immigration and Labor," New York, 1913.