59.—E. Agahd, p. 202. 60.—"Bulletin of the International Institute of Statistics," vol. xix., book ii., The Hague, 1912. The data for the small States, in the second column, are those of 1902 increased by 20 per cent. 61.—"The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science," vol. lix., May, 1915, p. 301. We read here also (p. 331), that the well-known statistician, Paish, estimated the amount of capital exported by England, France, Belgium and Holland at 40 milliard dollars or 200 milliard francs. 62.—Die Bank, 1913, 2, p. 1024. 63.—Hobson: "Imperialism," London, 1902, p. 58. Riesser, op. cit., pp. 395, 404. P. Arndt in "Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv," vol. vii., 1916, p. 35; Neymarck in the "Bulletin of the International Institute of Statistics"; Hilferding: "Finance Capital," p. 492; Lloyd George: speech in the House of Commons, 4th May, 1915. (Daily Telegraph, 5th May, 1915.). B. Harms: "Probleme der Weltwirtschaft," Jena, 1912, p. 235. Dr. Siegmund Schilder: "Entwickelungstendenzen der Weltwirtschaft," Bremen, 1912, vol. i., p. 150. George Paish: "Great Britain's Capital Investments," etc., in the "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society," vol. lxxix., 1910, p. 167. George Diouritch: "L'Expansion des banques allemandes à l'étranger, ses rapports avec le développment économique de l'Allemagne," Paris, 1909, p. 84. 64.—Jeidels, p. 232. 65.—Vogelstein: "Org. formen," p. 100. 66.—Liefmann: "Kartelle und Trusts," 2nd ed., p. 161. 67.—A. Supan: "Die territoriale Entwickelung der europäischen Kolonien," 1906, p. 254. 68.—Henry C. Morris: "The History of Colonisation," New York, 1900, ii., p.88; i., pp. 304, 410. 69.—C. P. Lucas: "Greater Rome and Greater Britain," Oxford, 1912. Cromer: "Ancient and Modern Imperialism," London, 1910. 70.—Schilder, op. cit., pp. 38-42. 71.—Wahl: "La France aux colonies," Paris, n.d., quoted by Henri Russier in "Le partage de l'Oceanie," Paris, 1905, p. 165.