the division of the working class movement corresponds to the existing situation of Imperialism, I have had to speak in a slavish tongue, and to-day I must direct the reader who is interested in these questions to the collection of my articles published abroad from 1914 to 1917, and now in the press, entitled Against the Stream.
There is need, however, to point out the inadequacy in this pamphlet of a passage at the end of Chapter IX., in which, in order to show, in a guise acceptable to the censors, the cynical trickery of the capitalists, as well as of the jingo Socialists gone over to their service (and whom Kautsky opposes with so much inconsistency) in the question of annexations; in order to show with what cynicism they justify the annexations of their capitalists, I was forced to put forward as an example—Japan. The careful reader will easily substitute Russia for Japan, and Finland, Poland, Esthonia, Khiva, Bokhara or other countries peopled by non-Russians for Corea.
I would hope that this little book will help the reader to understand the fundamental economic question, without the study of which modern war and politics are unintelligible—to be more precise, the question of the economic nature of Imperialism.