of course; and he—he should succeed to Julian's
dominion and Julian's domain; he should have all that wood and water, and palace and mountain, that I have been banned out of so long; he should be chief there, and lord, and his sons, maybe, have the heirship of the Vassalis line! A charming cast for us both! With all gratitude for my share, and your will to allot it me, I must decline such a distribution betwixt your lover and me. Gold, gold! No, Miladi, gold will not strike the balance between us now."
She listened in silence; only that passionate shadowy quiver, as of the light of a flame, on her face giving sign or response to him. Her lips were close pressed together, and scarce seemed to move as the words came through them, hard, like the dropping of stones on a stone.
"Your sin is envy? Well, it is only another added to a long list. Mere gold will not buy you. What will?"
"You are so incorruptible!"
"Yes, here."
"Through envy, avance, and hate!"
"Through three common movers of mankind, if so."
"You own them yours? Then listen here. I