them across his own moor to put them en route for Lord Fitzallayne's, the two others having fallen slightly behind them.
"How? Eh? Why—I don't know—because he's staying at Fitz's, to be sure."
"Staying there!"
"Yes. Fitz swears by him, and all the women are in love with him, though he's a pale insignificant face, to my thinking. What do yon know of him? Anything against him—eh?"
"Sufficiently about him to advise you, if you will allow me, not to let him glean from you the private intentions and correspondence of the ministry, or any instructions they may have given their representatives abroad. Only talk to him on such matters generally; say no more to him than what the public knows."
"What? Ah! indeed. I apprehend you. I thank you, sir—I thank you," said his Grace, hurriedly, conscious that he had been somewhat indiscreet, but curious as any old gossip in a Bréton knitting and spinning gossipry. "But he stands very well; he comes of good blood, I think. He is a gentleman; you meet him at the best Courts abroad."