the plant, the presence of an annulus at once distinguishes this species from its nearest congener, B. pulchellum, an alpine species which has not yet been found in this country.
Small forms of B. carneum very much resemble our plant; but the areolation of the leaf in that species is larger and looser; it is also, like B. pulchellum, destitute of an annulus.
TAB. 50.—Bryum Lescurianum.
1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2. Plantæ fertilis.
3. Pars plantæ masculæ.
4. Folium periehætiale.
5. G. Folia caulina.
7. Basis folii areolata.
8. Apex folii areolata.
9. Sectiones transversales folii.
10. Capsulæ deoperculata.
11. Capsulæ siccæ.
12. Opercula.
13. Particula peristomii.
14. Flos masculus.
15. Perigoniale, antlieridia, et paraphyses.