broader and entire leaves, with a shorter vaginal base; the lamellæ of the costa are more numerous and crowded, and less thickened on their margin ; the capsule is shorter, subgibbous, and cernuous, with a shorter operculum, and a brownish-red villous calyptra.
The two species represent, in this country, the European P. nanum and P. aloides.
TAB. 48.—Pognartum Brachyphllum.
1. Plantæ fertiles naturali magnitudine.
2. Planta capsulifera.
3. 4. Folia superiora caulis.
5. Areolatio folii baseos.
6, 7. Sectiones transversales folii lamellas monstrantes.
8. Portio lamellæ a latere visa.
9. Capsula operculata.
10. Eadem calyptrata.
11. Eadem sicca absque operculo et calyptra.
12. Sectio transversalis capsulæ.
13. Peristomium, orificio membrana tympaniformi obtecto.
14. Tres dentes peristomii cum sporis.
15. Frustrum transversale dentis.
16. Operculum.
17. Iudumentum villosum calyptræ.
18. Ejusdem pili ramosi.