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the monoicous inflorescence of G. calyptrata furnish the essential distinctive characters.

Grimmia longirostris, Hook. (Musc. Exot. t. 62), from the Andes of South America, appears to be another very nearly related species, differing mainly in its annulate capsule and the long rostrum of its operculum.

TAB. 44.—Grimmia calyptrata.

1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2. Ramus fructifer.
3, 4. Folia caulina.
5. Folii rete basilare.
6. Ejusdem rote apicale.
7. Pars pili.
8. 9. Sectiones transversales folii.
10. Capsula calyptrata cum folio perigoniali.
11. Capsulæ opereulata
12. Capsula deoperculata sicca.
13. Particula peristomii.
14. Dens peristomii a latere visus.
15. Ejusdem particula apicalis.
16. Calyptra (false depicta).
17. Vaginula membranula tubiformi adaucta.
18. Flos masculus et perigoniale antheridia inclu(illegible text)

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