tinguished chiefly by its capsule, when deoperculate and empty, being elongate-campanulate, narrowly ribbed, and of a pale straw color, by its whitish calyptra, and the pale rusty-reddish teeth of its peristome.
Another species, yet unpublished, closely resembling the smaller forms of O. Canadense, has been found in Pennsylvania by Mr. T. P. James, and named by him O. psilocarpum: it is remarkable for its capsule-wall, when dry and empty, being ecostate, and for the erect pale greenish-yellow teeth and long irregular granular cilia of its peristome.
TAB. 36.—Orthotricuum strangulatum.
1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2. Planta fertilis.
3. Caulis defoliata inflorescentiam monstrans.
4. Folia.
5. Areolatio folii bascos.
6. Eadem folii apicis.
7. Sectiones transversales folii.
8. Capsula calyptrata.
9. Eadem madifacta.
10. Eadem sicca sed hand vacua.
11, 12. Particulse peristomii, ciliis false depictis.
13. Operculum.
14. Gemma mascula.
15. Folii perigoniale, antheridia, et paraphysis.