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Tab. 11.

Differt ab A. crispo cui simillimum, habitu humiliore, capsulæque nitidulæ longius rostellatæ cellulis perbelle aurantiaceis.

Astomum Sullivantii, Schimp. Brvol. Europ.

Phascam crispum, Sulliv. Musc. Alleghan. No. 211, ex parte.

Hab. Waste fields, roadsides, &c.—Common.

The bright orange-colored cells of the capsnle-wall furnish the main distinctive mark of this species. In other respects, it is scarcely to be separated from A. crispum, with which it is often found growing, as also with another very nearly related species, A. nitidulum, Schimp. 1. c. The last is a smaller species than A. Sullivantii, and has an ovoid chestnut-colored, glossy capsule, obliquely rostellate, with a much longer pedicel and a smaller calyptra. In the two last-named species, as in A. crispum and A. Ludovicianum, a feeble operculation prevails, their fully matured capsules under slight pressure dehiscing by a circumscissile line near the apex; hence an operculated genus, Systegium, has recently and very properly been established for these species by Professor Schimper.

TAB. 11.—Astomum Sullivantii.

1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2. Planta fructifera.
3. Eadem defoliata cum fl. masc.
4, 5, 6. Folia comalia.
7. Pars folii.
8. Rete folii baseos.
9, 10. Sectiones trans, folii.
11, 12,13,14. Capsulæ.
15. Capsula verticaliter secta.
16. Capsula calyptrata cum foliis perichætialibus.
17, 18. Calyptræ.
19. Spora.
20. Flos masculus.

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