Tab. 6.
Plantæ robustiores, turgide vermiculiformes, procumbentes: cæspites laxi, molles, glauco-virides pallide flavescentes vel fusco-rubentes.
Caulis 2–4-uncialis et ultra, ⅓ unc. diaractro excedens, corapresso-julaceus, ut plurimum simplex, interdum uno alterove ramo instructus, debilis, flexuosus: stratum tegmentarium simplex.
Folia pro caulis ratione amplissima, expansa orbiculari-ovata, imbricantia, flaccidissima, apice integerrima, basi contracta, cellulis exilissimis biserialibus marginata; cellulis hyalinis elongatis flexuosis fibrilliferis, poris numerosis minutis ad latera positis. Sectio transversalis folii ut in præcedente.
Flores et fructus ignoti.
Sphagnum cyclophyllum, Sulliv. & Lesqx. Musc. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. (ed. 1), No. 5; Sulliv. Mosses U. States, p. 11.
Sphagnum cymbifolium var., Hook. & Wils. in Drum. Musc. Amer. Coll. 2, No. 17.
Hab. New Orleans, Drummond. Mountains of Alabama, Lesquereux. New Jersey, James, Austin.
S. cyclophyllum, S. sedoides, and S. Pylæsii are doubtless young or rudimentary forms of one or more species which are either unknown, or, if known, not yet recognized as the above plants in their fully developed state. Their close relationship to the protean S. subsecundum (which already, in the case of S. sedoides, has been noticed by Wilson, Bryol. Brit.) is suggested by their color, varying through different shades of glaucous, olive-green, pale yellow, vinous red, and brownish black, and by the texture, and, to a certain extent, the shape of their leaves. The almost entire absence of pores in S. sedoides and