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operculum, the short calyptra wide at the base, and the leaves conspicuously dentate on their lower margins only, furnish this species with decided characters separating it from any of the forms of Hypnum serpens.
TAB. 123.—Hypnum compactum.
1. Plantæ fertiles naturali magnitudine.
2, 3. Partes ranuilorum.
4, 5, 6, 7. Folia caulina et ramulina.
8, 9. Areolatio folii baseos et apicis.
10. Sectiones transversales folii.
11. Perielnetium cum pedicelli basi.
1 2. Folia perichætialia.
13. Capsula operculata.
14. Capsulæ operculis delapsis.
15. Capsula exsiceata.
16. Operculum et calyptra.
17. 18. Opercula.
19. Particula peristomii.
20. Sectio verticalis ejusdem.
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