or brownish patches, becoming black when old. It is, besides, an alpine or subalpine species, not yet found within our limits.
H. stellatum is a much more robust plant, and has entire leaves, and a dioicous inflorescence.
H. Sommerfeltii, Bryol. Europ. (H. polymorphism, Bryol. Brit.) approaches very closely to H. hispidulum; and, except the longer and narrower acumination of the leaf of the former, (which is hardly sufficient,) there appears to be no character to separate them.
TAB. 119.—Hypnum hispidulum.
1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2. Pars raniuli.
3. 4, 5, 6. Folia.
7, 8. Areolatio folii.
9. Perichætium.
10. Folium ejusdem.
11. Vaginula.
12. 13, 14, 15. Capsulæ.
16. Particula peristomii.
17. Calyptra.
18. Flos maseulus.
19. Perigioniale.
20. Antheridium cum parapbysi.