large forms of Hypnum illicebrum, Linn. which occur in the southern portions of Europe; but that species is at once distinguished by its somewhat smaller size, its shorter-rostrate operculum, and its strongly papillose pedicel.
Hypnum purum is not unlike the moss under notice, but is readily separated by (besides other and less striking characters) its more pinnate ramification and shorter flexuose and more slender branchlets.
TAB. 106.—Hypnum Boscii.
1, 2. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
3. Pars ramuli.
4, 5, 6. Folia ejusdem.
7, 8. Bete folii baseos et apicis.
9. Perichætium cum pedicelli basi.
10, 11. Folia perichætialia.
12. Capsulæ operculatæ.
13. Capsula absque operculo.
14. Pars peristeum cum annuli particula.
15. Calyptra.