Black Mountain, South Carolina, and the Adirondack Mountains, New York, Lesquereux. Not uncommon in Europe, but seldom in fruit.
Hypnum brevirostre, Ehrh., to which this species is closely related, is a coarser and more rigid plant, with an irregular fasciculate ramification and longer terete flexuous branchlets : the leaves are cordate-ovate, acuminate, more crowded and spreading, slightly serrulate above, and furnished at the base with two short costæ: the paraphyllia are larger, and their divisions more compound.
TAB. 102.—Hypnum Oakesii.
1, 2. Plantæ f'emineæ et masculæ naturali magniludine.
3. Pars ramuli.
4, 5. Folia ejusdem.
6, 7. Rete basilare et apicale folii.
8, 9, 10. Sectiones transversales folii.
11. Paraphyllia.
12. Perichætium.
13. Folium ejusdem.
14. Capsulæ.
15. Particula peristomii.
16. Flos masculus.
17, 18. Folia porigonialia.
19. Antheridium cum paraphysi.