Climacium Americanum, Brid. Bryol. Univ. 2, p. 273; Sulliv. Mosses U. States, p. 66, t. 5.
Neckera Dendroides, var. Americana, C. Müll. Synop. Musc. 2, p. 122.
Hab. Shady woods, on decayed logs, roots of trees, &c. Common, but seldom in fruit.
This species closely resembles the common European C. dendroides, which is a native also of this country. In C. Americanum the capsules are cylindrical, narrower, and much longer, with longer-rostrate opercula: the teeth of the peristone are differently shaped, being suddenly subulate from a short lanceolate base (not well represented in the figure): the leaves of the branches are more plicate, and the auricles at their base are much larger; so that a leaf, when flattened, presents a somewhat hastate outline.
TAB. 97.—Climacium Americanum.
1. Planta capsulifera anormaliter unum alterumve floreni masculum ferens, naturali magnitudine.
2. Pars rami.
3. 4. Folia ejusdem.
5, 6. Areolatio folii baseos et apicis.
7. Cellulæ apicis.
8. Perichætium.
9. Folium ejusdem.
10, 11. Capsulæ.
12. Calyptra.
13. Operculum.
11. Particula peristomii.
15. Flos masculus.
10. Folium ejusdem.
17. Antheridium cum paraphysibus.
18. Folium scariosum caulis partis inferioris.