bili; opcrculo fere capsulae aequilongo conico oblique longirostro; calyptra cuculliformi basi lata paulum infra operculum producta glaberrima; sporis luteo-fuscis granulosis 12000 unc. diametro metientibus.
Neckera abietixa, Hook. Musc. Exot. t. 7; Schwsegr. Suppl. t. 140; C. Müll Synop. Musc. 2, p. 142.
Pilotrichum abietinum, Brid. Bryol. Univ. 2, p. 258.
Leptodon circinatus, Sulliv. in Bot. Pacif. R. K. Survey (Whipple), 4, p. 189, t. 1 (planta mascula).
Hab. On trees, Northwest Coast, Menzies. Coast range of mountains, south of San Francisco, California, Bigelow, Bolander. Vancouver's Island, Lyall.
The specimens collected by Menzies. and figured by Hooker and Schwægrichen (1. c), are unusually elongated and distantly pinnate, owing doubtless to local influences, and therefore do not represent the normal form of the species, as here figured from numerous specimens furnished by other collectors.
This species clearly belongs to Alsia,—a genus closely allied to Leptodon,—and stands in the same relation to Leptodon Smithii that its only congener, Alsia Californica, Sulliv. (Crypt. U. States Expl. Exped. Wilkes, p. 25, t. 25), does to Leptodon trichomitrion.
TAB. 72b.—Alsia abietina.
1. Planta capsuligera.
2. Planta antheridiophora nat. mag.
3. Planta exsiccata
4. Pars ramuli.
5. Folium ejusdem.
6. 7. Areolatio fol. baseos et apicis.
8. Sectiones transversales folii.
9, 10. Paraphyllia.
11. Capsula cum perichætio.
12. Capsula exsiccata.
13. Vaginula et pedicellus.
14. Pol. inter, perichætii.
15, 16,17. Particulæ peristeum.
18. Operculum.
19. Flos masculus.
20, 21. Antheridia et paraphyscs.