The following works are cited in this volume, and contain nearly all of importance that has been written on North American Bryology.
Dillenius.—Historia Muscorum; with 85 quarto plates. London. 1741.
Hedwig.—Musci Frondosi, 2 vols.; with 160 folio plates. Leipsic, 1787–1792.
Hedwig.—Species Muscorum; with 77 quarto plates. Leipsic, 1801.
Schwægrichen.—Supplements to Hedwig's Species Muscorum, 6 vols.; with 325 quarto plates. Leipsic, 1811–1842.
Michaux.—Flora Boreali Americana. 2 vols. Paris, 1813.
Pal. Beauvois.—Prodrome Ætheogamie. Paris, 1805.
Hooker.—Musci Exotici. 2 vols.; with 176 octavo plates. London, 1818–1820.
Bridel.—Bryologia Universa. 2 vols.; with 13 octavo plates. Leipsic, 1826–1827.
Drummond.—Musci Americani, or Dried Specimens of 280 Species of Mosses from British North America. 2 vols, quarto. Glasgow, 1828.
Wilson & Hooker.—Musci Americani, or Dried Specimens of 180 Species of Mosses, Jungennanniæ, &c, collected by T. Drummond in the Southern States of North America, arranged and named hy "Wilson & Hooker. Warrington, 1841.
Wilson.—Bryologia Britannica; with 61 octavo plates. London, 1855.
Bruch & Schimper.—Bryologia Europrca. 6 vols.; with 640 quarto plates. Stuttgard, 1836–1851.
Schimper.—Corollarium Bryologiæ Europææ, 1855.
Schimper.—Yersuch einer Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Torfmoose (Sphagnum) und einer Monographic der in Europa vorkommenden arten dieser Gattung; with 27 large quarto plates. Stuttgard, 1858.
Schimper.—Synopsis Muscorum Europæorum; with a Bryo-Geographical Map and 8 octavo plates, illustrating the genera. Stuttgard, 1860.