XXTI. Obituary. Henrt Pkavot ; E. P. IIamsat: H. E. 0. Dixon ; Adolph Nehkkoen : Otto lk Hoi 434
XXIII. Xotices of recent Ornithological Publications : —
Chapjii on the Ploceidse ; Chapman on new Antillean Birds; Clark and Adames' Phenological Observations ; Dixon on the Yellow-billed Loon ; Grinnell on limitations of distributional areas; Grinnell on the Evening Grosbeak; Gurney's Report on Norfolk Ornithology; Gurney on the Rough-legged Buzzard; Hartert's recent short papers ; Mathews on the Birds of Australia ; North on the Birds of North-West New South Wales ; Palmer's Biographical Index ; Petronievics and Wood- ward on Archeoptcryx ; Storer on the care of "separates"; Taverner on the Faunas of Canada; Witherby on results of ringing partial migrants ; l^ritish Birds ; Cassinia ; Journal of the South African Ornitliologists' Union; South Australian Ornithologist ; and List of other Ornithological Publications received 436
XXIV. Letters, Extracts, and Notes : —
Letters from Miss Maud D. Ilaviland, Arthur G. Butler, Nevin H. Foster, A. M. C. Nicholl, II. W. Robinson ; The Selous Memorial; The Berlepsch Collection of Birds; The Journal of the Natural History Society of Siani ; List of M.B.O.U. serving with II. M. Forces ; Errata in April Number of 'The Ibis'; B.O.U. New Guinea Expedition 4o6
Number 4, October.
XXV. On a new South American Jay of the Genus Cyano- lyca. By W. L. Sclater, M.B.O.U. (Plate VIII.) . . . . 4Q5
XXVI. Notes on the Ornithology of Malta. By G.Despott, M.B.O.U. (Concluded from p. 349.) 466
XXVII. Birds in the Ancre Valley during the Winter of 1916-1917. By Lieutenant J. N.- Kennedy, M.C, E.G.A., P.Il.G.S., M.B.O.U. (Text-figure 4.) 526