YIII. Notices of recent Ornithological Publications : —
Andrews on a New Fossil Bird ; Bryant on the Roadrunner ; Cory on new South American Bii'ds ; Dabbene on the Coots and Grebes of the Argentine ; Evans on British Birds ; Geikie on the Birds of Shakespeare ; Grinnell on a new Ruffled Grouse ; Gurney's Ornithological Report for Norfolk ; Gylden- stolpe on the Birds of Siam ; Hartert and Lord Rothschild on various subjects; Mathews on the Birds of Australia; Mearns on new African Birds ; Murphy and Harper on new Diving- Petrels ; Murphy on the Teal of South Georgia ; Noble on the Birds of Guadeloupe; Poncy on the Bird-life of Geneva; Shufeldt's recent papers; Swarth on the Arizona Screech Owls ; Todd on the Genus Dysithammis ; Warren on Colorado Birds ; White on the Exploration of Central Australia ; The Auk; Avicultural Magazine; Journal of the Nat. Hist. Soc. of Siam; and List of other Ornitliological Pubhcations re- ceived 94
IX. Letters, Extracts, and Notes : —
Letters from J. C. Phillips, C. J. Alexander, Gregory M. Mathews, Nils Gyldenstolpe, Dr. van Someren, and C. F. M. Swynnertou ; Second Oological Dinner ; The Zoologist . . .110
Number 2, April.
X. The Birds of Yemen, south-western Arabia, with an account of liis journey thither by tlie collector, Mr. G. Wyman Bury. By W. L. Sclater, M.A., M.E.O.U. (Plates IIL & IV., and Text-figure 1.) 129
XL Some Reflections on the Breeding-habits of the Cuckoo (Cuculus canoriis). By Major B. F. Meiklejohn, D.S.O., Royal Warwickshire Regiment, M.B.O.U 186
XII. Notes on the Nidification of some Indian Falconidse.
By E. C. Stuart Baker, M.B.O.U. (Plato V.) 224
XIII. Note on the Acclimatisation of the Australian Black Swan (Chenopsis atrata). By R. T. Gunther, M.A., F.Z.S. (Text-figure 2.) 241