Nu.MiiER 1, Januanj.
r«ge T. Notes on Birds observed at. Erzcrura. By P. J". C. McGregor, M.B.O.U., lately H.M. Consul for Palestine . . L
II. Notes on Birds observed in the North Sea and North Atlantic Ocean during the Autumn and Winter of 1914, By Lieutenant J. N. KuNXEin', ll.G.A. M.B.O.U 30
III. A little-known Bird Colony in the Gulf of Mexico.
By Lieutenant J. N. Kennedy, ll.G.A., M.B.O.U 41
IV. With the British Association in Au.stralia. By A. H. Evans, M.A., M.B.O.U 43
V. On the Breeding of the South African Black Duck {Anas s^xirsa). By F. E. Bl.^auw, M.B.O.U. (Plate I.) . . . . Hi)
VI. Bemarks on some recent Collections of Birds made by Mr. G. L. Bates in Cameroon. By W. \i. Ogilvie-Gkant, M.B.O.U. (Plate IL) 72
VII. Obituary. John Cyril Ckowley ; S.^^muel Gilbeut ScoTT ; Hali'h William riiANKLANU Payne-Gallwey ; Joachim Charles Hartert .91
SEll. X. VOL. V. c