He makes no fuss about it, simply gives me half-a-sovereign, reiterating at the same time that it would never do to let me starve to death. I stammered an objection and did not take it all at once. It is shameful of me to . . . it was really too much. . . .
"Hurry up," he says, looking at his watch. "I have been waiting for the train; I hear it coming now."
I took the money; I was dumb with joy, and never said a word; I didn't even thank him once.
"It isn't worth while feeling put out about it," said the "Commandor" at last. "I know you can write for it."
And so off he went.
When he had gone a few steps, I remembered all at once that I had not thanked him for this great assistance. I tried to overtake him, but could not get on quickly enough; my legs failed me, and I came near tumbling on my face. He went farther and farther away from me. I gave up the attempt; thought of calling after him, but dared not; and when after all I did muster up courage enough and called once or twice, he was already at too great a