cessors with such undeviating constancy. In less than forty years the Kussian eagles had advanced from the gates of the Caucasus to the banks of the Araxes, and from the embouchure of the Terek to that of the Astera. This was to the west of the Caspian ; but to the east- ward of that sea their progress, though less prominent, had been no less constant and successful. The line of Orenburg and of the Lake of Aral afforded to the Russian generals an admirable base of operations, from which they could advance with equal facility by the Oxus or the Jaxartes in their operations against the Oozbeg States. Those States, instead of drawing together in a league against the gigantic and insidious Northern Power which was gradually advancing to devour them, were wasting their strength in fighting with each other. Kussia had, indeed, in the preceding year sustained a considerable check ; but her Government, far from being discouraged by the disaster, only endeavoured to turn to account the experience so dearly purchased in the deserts of Khiva. A talented Russian agent was now at work in Central Asia : one from whose past successes' his countrymen were justified in expecting much. M. Witkewitsch was a native of Lithuania, who, on account of a college squabble, had been sent into banishment to a military colony in the Ural, where he remained many years, and acquired a high character among the Cossacks for gallantry, enterprise and intelligence. While residing in the government of Orenburg he gained a thorough knowledge of the Persian and Turkish languages, and otherwise prepared himself for travelling in disguise amongst Mahomedans, he having from an early period been destined by the government for service in Central Asia. He was first directed to