44 HISTORY OF THE FRANKS in the church of the heretics, and was slain there along with the Arian bishop. Finally the Franks who were with Godegisel gathered in a tower. But Gundobad ordered that no harm should be done to a single one of them, but seized them and sent them in exile to king Alaric at Toulouse, and he slew the Burgundian senators who had conspired with Godegisel. He restored to his own dominion all the region which is now called Burgundy. He estabhshed milder laws for the Burgundians lest they should oppress the Romans. [34. King Gundobad is converted to the doctrine of the Trinity but will not confess it in pubHc. The writings of bishop Avitus are described.] 35. Now when Alaric, king of the Goths, saw Clovis conquer- ing nations steadily, he sent envoys to him saying : If my brother consents, it is the desire of my heart that with God's favor we have a meeting." Clovis did not spurn this proposal but went to meet him. They met in an island of the Loire which is near the village of Amboise in the territory of Tours, and they talked and ate and drank together, and plighted friendship and departed in peace. Even at that time many in the Gauls desired greatly to have the Franks as masters. 36. Whence it happened that Quintian, bishop of Rodez, was driven from his city through ill-will on this account. For they said: "It is your desire that the rule of the Franks be extended over this land." A few days 'later a quarrel arose between him and the citizens, and the Goths who dwelt in the city became sus- picious when the citizens charged that he wished to submit him- self to the control of the Franks ; they took counsel and decided to slay him with the sword. When this was reported to the man of God he rose in the night and left the city of Rodez with his most faithful servants and went to Clermont. There he was received kindly by the holy bishop Eufrasius, who had succeeded Aprun- culus of Dijon, and he kept Quintian with him, giving him houses as well as fields and vineyards, and saying: "The wealth of this church is enough to keep us both ; only let the charity which the blessed apostle preaches endure among the bishops of God." More- over the bishop of Lyons bestowed upon him some of the possessions of the church which he had in Auvergne. And the rest about the