P. 207, 1. 7. The " imposter " had to conduct a service containing responses all by himself. P. 209, 1. 34. The meaning of this is that in his pain and excitement Gunth- ram Boso thought he had a lance in his hand instead of a sword. P. 210, c. 15. This assembly of the Arian bishops of Spain took place in 587. P. 211, 1. 12. The reference is to the Latin version (and continuation) of Eusebius' history by Ruj&nus. Book X, c. 14. P. 212, 1. 2. According to the Salic law the fine which the killing of a free man entailed was more than doubled if the corpse was concealed. P. 212, 1. 21. The purpose of the letter was to certify that Chramsind was not an outlaw and could not be attacked with impunity by Sichar's kinsmen. P. 212, 1. 36. In the agreement there are two separate statements about Senlis, the first (p. 213, 1. 34), that " Childebert asserts his right from the present day to two-thirds of Senlis," the second (p. 215, 1. 6), that " it is agreed that Childebert shall hold Senlis in entirety, and as far as the third therein due to lord Gunthram is concerned, he shall be compensated by the third belonging to lord Childebert which is in Ressons." P. 215, 1. 9. Ressons-sur-le-Matz, not far from Senlis. Cf . Longnon, p. 416. P. 216, 1. 30. It was as the head of the Merovingian clan that Gunthram's consent was required. P. 216, 1. 32. Ingunda had married Reccared's elder brother who rebelled against his father and was finally executed. Ingunda died shortly after on her way to Constantinople. P. 217, 1. I. Childebert had already made two expeditions against the Lombards. Cf. pp. 163, 197. P. 218, 1. 10. The agreement was made Nov. 8, 588 at Andelot. P. 218, 1. 16. Gregory's idea of a good king is that he approximates to a bishop. Cf. Introd., p. xvii. P. 220, c. 30. This chapter contains the history of taxation in Tours in Gregory's day. The exemption enjoyed by Tours must have brought it some rich inhabitants. On the other hand the fact that political refugees fled to St. Martin's church for protection was sometimes a disadvantage. Cf. p. 117. P. 221, 1. 25. Genetricemque suam servitio redeberit. The translation of this passage is dijS&cidt. Bonnet, p. 668, note, suggests redhiberet for rede- berit, in which case the meaning would be that Rigunda would make Frede- gimda a slave again, as she had been before marrying Chilperic. P. 222, 1. 6. Wife of duke Launebod, who built the church of St. Saturninus at Toulouse. P. 222, 1. 8. For Waddo see pp. 165, 182-185. He had been count of Saintes, and it was probably from the territory of Saintes that he made this expedition. P. 223, 1. II. The story of the forty nuns is told with burdensome detail. The sequel of the story with the review of the case by the bishops (Book X, Chaps. 15-17) is translated.