and began to neglect his wife, and when he returned from these harlots he would often beat her severely. Moreover because of his many ill-deeds he contracted a number of debts and often used his wife's jewels and gold for these. Finally when his wife was in this hard situation since she had lost all the honor she had in her husband's house, and he was gone to the king, Virus, — this was the man's name — her husband's nephew, fell in love with her and wished to marry her since he had lost his wife. Virus however was afraid of his uncle's enmity and sent the woman to duke Desiderius with the intention of marrying her later on. And she took with her all her husband's substance both in gold and silver and gar- ments and all she could take, together with her older son, but she left the younger son at home. EulaHus returned from his journey and learned what had happened. And when his grief was lessened and he had taken a little rest he rushed upon his nephew Virus and killed him in a narrow valley of Auvergne. And Desiderius who had lately lost his wife heard that Virus had been killed and married Tetradia. But EulaHus took a girl by force from the convent at Lyons and married her. But his concubines impelled by envy, as some say, made her insane by evil arts. A long time after EulaHus secretly attacked and killed Emerius, cousin of this girl. In Hke manner he killed Socratius, brother of his half-sister whom his father had had by a concubine. He committed also many other crimes, too many to tell. John, his son, who had gone off with his mother ran away from Desiderius 's house and went to Auvergne. And Innocent being now a candidate for the bishopric of Rodez, EulaHus sent a message to him that he could recover by Innocent's aid the property that was rightfully his in the territory of this city. Innocent repHed : ^'If I receive one of your sons to make a cleric of and to keep to help me, I will do what you ask." EulaHus sent the boy named John and received his property back. And Innocent received the boy and shaved the hair of his head and put him in the care of the archdeacon of his church. And he became so abstemious that he ate barley in- stead of wheat, drank water instead of wine, used an ass instead of a horse, and wore the meanest garments. And so the bishops and leading men met, as we have said, at the confines of the cities mentioned, and Tetradia was represented by Agyn and EulaHus