near and began to stone him. Then certain of those who had come with him rushed up amid the showers of stones and covered him with a cloak and the people were calmed, and his son, uttering mournful cries, got him upon his horse and took him back home still living. But he died soon amid the laments of his wife and sons. And so his life was unhappily ended and his son went to the king and obtained his property. [36. Childebert sends his son Theodobert to represent him in Soissons. 37. Bishop Droctigisil goes insane from excessive drink- ing or because evil arts had been practiced on him. 38. A plot against Brunhilda and Childebert's wife. 39-43. The story in detail of the secession of forty nuns from the convert at Poitiers, with documents involved in the case. 44. The weather.] Here ends the Ninth Book.