under some clever interpretation, he shall lose all the benefits both prospective and present, and it shall turn to the advantage of him who faithfully observes all that is written above, and he shall be freed in all details from the obligation of his oath. All these mat- ters having been definitely agreed upon, the parties swear by the name of all-powerful God and the inseparable Trinity and all that is divine and the awful day of judgment that they will faithfully observe all that is written above without any fraud or deceit. This compact was made four days before the Kalends of December in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of the lord king Gunthram and in the twelfth year of lord Childebert. When the agreement was read over the king said: "May I be struck by the judgment of God if I transgress in any one of the matters contained here." And he turned to the legate Felix who had come with us and said : "Tell me, Felix, have you established a close friendship between my sister Brunhilda and Fredegunda the enemy of God and man ? ' ' When he replied " no " I said : ' ' Let the king be sure that the friendship is being kept up between them as it was started many years ago. For you may be certain that the hatred that was once established between them is alive yet, it has not withered up. I wish you, most glorious king, would have less friendship for her. For as we often learn, you receive her embassies with greater state than ours." He answered: "Let me tell you, bishop of God, that I receive her embassies in such a way as not to lose the affection of my nephew king Childebert. For I cannot be friendly with one who has often sent to take my life." Upon this Felix said : "I suppose it has come to your great- ness that Richared has sent an embassy to your nephew to ask for your niece Clodosinda, your brother's daughter, in marriage. But he was unwilling to make any promise without your advice." The king said : "It is not well for my niece to go to a place where her sister was killed. I am not at all pleased that the death of my niece Ingunda is not avenged." Felix replied : "They are very anxious to set themselves right either by oath or on any other terms you suggest ; but only give your consent for Clotosinda to be betrothed to him as he requests." The king said : "If my nephew keeps the agreements that he bound himself to in the compact I will do his will in this matter." We promised that he would fulfil all and